Chantal Pentland, COO and Co-founder of Yinstill, is in charge of all things design, marketing and human resources. Before Yinstill, Chantal worked as the Creative Director at Nettwerk Records, a local successful label (Sarah McLaughlin, Bare Naked ladies, Avril Lavigne). Her skills in Human Resources and managing talent has come in handy at Yinstill as she thrives working alongside such an amazing team of doctors and practitioners. She is also creative and this lends itself well to her passion for design, graphic design and unique marketing ideas. But most importantly she is a people person and cares deeply about the Yinstill’s clients and staff, and most days you will see her either upfront or in the back chatting away with the clients and staff.
Chantal’s most important motivation is setting a good example of a strong woman for her 3 boys (& yes Chinese Medicine was a key factor with each pregnancy), as well as keeping her family happy, healthy and thriving.
Fun fact about Chantal is she is an incredible singer and grew up singing classical and opera. As a teenager, she decided she wanted to sing rock and roll and so trained her voice to do so, as to not deafen a room. Her passion for music is what guided her to work in the music industry. Should you catch her walking down the street, in a room alone, and sometimes on a video on Facbeook (thanks to her husband) you will get to hear her.