Welcome to Yinstill
Hello my name is Dr Spence Pentland and this is my wife Chantal. We are the founders of Yinstill Reproductive Wellness, British Columbia’s premier natural fertility clinic. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you a bit about ourselves.
The family of your dreams starts here
Since 2004 I have focused exclusively on the treatment of people struggling with infertility and reproductive health conditions, passionately combining the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese medicine with evidence-based modern scientific treatments to produce the most effective outcomes.

I have pioneered integrative fertility patient care models with Vancouver IVF centres (The Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Genesis Fertility Centre, and Grace Fertility Centre), and published research in the journal ‘Fertility & Sterility’ on the stress reducing effects of acupuncture when administered in the weeks leading up to an IVF embryo transfer. I am also the author of the book ‘Being Fertile’ and host the ‘Conception Channel’ podcast.
Our Family
On a personal note, Chantal and I too had our challenges with creating our family. It took seven pregnancies to have our three wonderful children. It was when Chantal turned to Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine that our struggles ended. The amazing care at Yinstill gave her and her body the support it needed.

Our Team
I want to emphasize how proud I am of the team of amazing professionals at Yinstill. Their dedication to consistently raising the bar in the field of complementary and alternative reproductive medicine leaves me undeniably confident with their care, and filled with gratitude each and every day.
Over fifty years of collective clinical experience, extensive ongoing specialized training in reproductive health issues, close relationships with world leaders in reproductive medicine, and over 15 years of fully integrated complimentary fertility services and research with local IVF clinics has given us the expertise necessary to be an integral part of bringing thousands of babies into this world.
No one understands your fertility journey better than we do. Each and every day at our clinic is spent connecting with and helping people just like you. These relationships have provided us with a very intimate understanding of how to best support those trying to get pregnant.
Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, preparing for an IVF or IUI, taking letrozole, or faced with the challenges of PCOS, Endometriosis, advanced maternal age, poor egg quality, recurrent pregnancy loss, or male factor infertility, Yinstill can help you optimize your overall well-being and reproductive health, increasing your chances of getting pregnant. Our natural holistic cutting-edge treatment solutions are based on the latest research, ancient wisdom, and proven practices modelled after those who have already achieved what you desire and deserve.

Everyone who desires deserves to experience the gift of becoming a parent. Nothing is more important than family.
We look forward to being a part of your journey.
Dr. Spence Pentland
Dr. TCM, Founder of Yinstill,
Author of ‘Being Fertile’, SAIT
“Over the past seventeen years I have seen the profound effect that infertility has on women and couples. It touches on something so fundamental to our being human that the emotional depths experienced are unlike any other – studies showing psychological impact comparable to the diagnosis and struggle with cancer. Looking through the lens of infertility I have gained intimate insights into the functioning of the body and human spirit. I feel blessed to have been a part of so many journeys toward the creation of family and feel the world needs to know more of these struggles so that we can all better support those who are hurting beyond comprehension.”
Since 2004, Dr. Spence Pentland TCM, has focused exclusively on treating reproductive health stress & pain including infertility, IVF support, endometriosis, PCOS, recurrent pregnancy loss, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. After pursuing undergraduate studies in botany, herbology and horticulture, he went on to graduate with his doctor of TCM from the acclaimed International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, BC before completing his internship at Anhui Hospital of TCM, Hefei City, China. In 2008, he obtained certification with the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). In 2015 Dr. Pentland also obtained certification with the Canadian Association of Oriental Obstetrical Medicine (CAOOM).
I look forward to being a part of your journey.

Chantal Pentland
Co-Founder, COO
Chantal Pentland, COO and Co-founder of Yinstill, is in charge of all things design, marketing and human resources. Before Yinstill, Chantal worked as the Creative Director at Nettwerk Records, a local successful label (Sarah McLaughlin, Bare Naked ladies, Avril Lavigne). Her skills in Human Resources and managing talent has come in handy at Yinstill as she thrives working alongside such an amazing team of doctors and practitioners. She is also creative and this lends itself well to her passion for design, graphic design and unique marketing ideas. But most importantly she is a people person and cares deeply about the Yinstill’s clients and staff, and most days you will see her either upfront or in the back chatting away with the clients and staff.
Chantal’s most important motivation is setting a good example of a strong woman for her 3 boys (& yes Chinese Medicine was a key factor with each pregnancy), as well as keeping her family happy, healthy and thriving.
Junko Lodge
Junko graduated from International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver where she completed the 4 year Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine program . She has been interested in alternative health since childhood. Her grandmother used to pick dandelions and mugwort for cooking. Her father’s side of the family was fond of Traditional Chinese Medicine especially Moxibustion.
She completed touch for health kinesiology level 1 & 2 at M B H Kinesiology College in Osaka, Japan and Western Herbal Medicine Detoxification program . She is a certified therapist in the Preventive Medicine Health & Beauty Association of Tokyo.
After 5 years of being a co-owner of an international English school in Okayam a, Japan, Junko and her husband decided to raise their beautiful daughter in the nature of Canada. Being a mother of a toddler and a teenage home stay student at the same time as being a TCM student wasn’t easy but she enjoyed every aspect of her life with positive, calm energy and a hard working nature as she completed the 3 year acupuncturist program in 2 years.
The amazing gynecology class taught by Dr. Zhi Hong Huang solidified her career path of reproductive health as her focus. She recognizes that hormonal balance, timing, flow of Q i and blood, organ function and how everything works separately and together is at the core of the TCM treatment of reproductive health conditions. Making a family is the same as the universe of Yin-Yang which are opposite but complementary, interdependent, interconnected and interrelate to one another.

Dr. Marni Ross
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Marni Ross is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who completed her medical training in Toronto at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2004. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the British Columbia Naturopathic Association. Since early on in her practice, Dr. Ross has had a passion for reproductive health, particularly for supporting women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, hormone imbalances, PCOS, fibroids and reproductive difficulties. Dr. Ross has years of experience in supporting and educating both men and women through the natural conception process as well as through IVF. She continues to attend seminars and workshops to further educate herself in the field of reproductive Medicine.
Dr. Ross is also certified Acupuncture and is trained in Cosmetic Acupuncture, a non-surgical procedure that has proven to be effective in reducing the signs of aging. She has prescriptive authority which allows her to prescribe most conventional medications when necessary as well as bioidentical hormones and thyroid medications. Dr. Ross is a strong believer that health is not just merely the absence of disease, but a state of optimal physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Dr. Julie Cahill
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Julie Cahill is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor who has a Bachelors of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc) from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and did her Naturopathic Medical degree at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster, BC.
She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the British Columbia Naturopathic Association. Dr. Cahill is certified to provide acupuncture and IV treatments.
Dr. Cahill has been practicing in a collaborative environment for many years. She values working together with qualified professionals for the benefit of her patients health.

Dr. Laura Erwin
B.Sc. (Hons), Dr. TCM
Laura has a gentle approach with acupuncture and she offers sincere and compassionate support and guidance for making health a priority. She appreciates that healing is a personal journey that takes time and is not always linear. Her relaxed, calm demeanor will help you feel welcome in the treatment room. She aspires to be an ally you can lean on, encouraging you and your body towards your own growth and wisdom.
Laura graduated in the spring of 2023 from the five-year DTCM program at the Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, BC. She is currently registered as a TCM Practitioner and Acupuncturist. She is passionate about holistic medicine and understands the dedication required for optimal health and wellbeing.