Contact Us

Locations in Vancouver, Delta & Salt Spring Island

get in touch

Contact Us

Call us at 604.873.9355 (Vancouver, Delta & Salt Spring Island)
or fill out the form below.

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Interested in having support but do not live in Vancouver or the Lower Mainland? Dr Spence Pentland is now offering Natural Fertility Coaching! To learn more and book a Discovery Call, click here.



Appointment Hours:
Monday 2pm–9pm
Tuesday 9am–9pm
Wednesday & Thursday 7am–9pm
Friday 9am–9pm
Saturday 10am–4pm

Reception Hours:
Monday–Thursday 9am–8pm
Friday 10am–6pm
Saturday 10am–4pm


Appointment Hours:
Sunday 10am–4:30pm 
Tuesday 11am–7pm 

Salt Spring Island

Appointment Hours:
Tuesday 2–7pm
Wednesday 10–7pm
Thursday 10–7pm

Direct Insurance Billing

Yinstill does direct billing, therefore if your extended health covers acupuncture and/or Naturopathic medicine please bring along your policy card to your appointment. *Please note that with direct billing we also must have a credit card on file. A credit card will be charged for percentage of total or full amount when direct billing does not process for any reason. We can only process your primary insurance coverage at one time through our direct billing system. If you have secondary coverage you will need to submit your invoice to them manually to receive reimbursement of your payment.

your free gift

Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!