How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture, and Naturopathic Medicine Can Help Restore Erectile Function, Reduce Premature Ejaculation, and Enhance Libido
ED is the inability to maintain an erection to sustain sexual intercourse and the reasons can be neurological, physical, psychological; or a combination of these. An erection is dependent on two things: direct stimulation and emotional stimulation in the brain (the limbic system to be specific). As it is a mind-body experience interference in either path can cause a problem. An erection happens with stimulation of the nervous system, that leads to a release of Nitrous Oxide (NO) which acts as a vasodilator relaxing the vessel walls and allowing blood to flow where it needs to go.
PE is when the man experiences orgasm with minimal or no direct stimulation, generally within a minute or two of initial excitement. To properly treat PE it is important to understand the root cause, whether it is physical or mental. Inevitably it is most likely a combination of both as our sexuality truly is a mind-body experience and whether we like it or not this connection with our psychology and emotional connections is essential.
Libido is our sexual energy and interest; a complex interaction of hormones, cultural expectations, experience and the immediate situation. Desire is an important aspect of any sexual relationship and to properly address the lagging libido we need to explore if the cause is primarily a lack of physical attraction, psychological or the result of medications, surgeries, or other external factors.
Often sexual dysfunction is multifaceted and its causes are complex, layered and hard to pin down. Regardless if the issues initiates with a neurological disorder, surgery, or other causes the psyche will always be affected creating a circular situation that can be difficult to break down and reset. Diagnostics in Chinese medicine allows us to address the major patterns of a disorder in the body and can establish treatment based on food choices, lifestyle, herbal support, and acupuncture.
As men are often so resistant to discussing such issues, just walking through the door for support can itself lead to a more comfortable understanding of the problem and release some anxiety and stress associated with the situation. Relaxing the nervous system is often the first step towards better health and improved sexual function.
PATIENCE IS KEY! How long did it take you to notice that something was amiss sexaully? How long did it take this pattern to build and present itself as sexual dysfunction? Imagine giving your mind and your body the benefits of breaking down details of your health to make positive change and reverse these issues. Imagine a stronger relationship with your sexual partners. Imagine better, more satisfying sexual experiences. It is possible to facilitate change and a strong support system with proven therapies over time to overcome these ingrained dysfunctions.

“We have chosen to work closely with men and we’re not shy or afraid to talk about sex or sexual function. Working with men over time has given us the knowledge and confidence to know that we can make a difference, with a commitment to lifestyle and dietary changes and regular acupuncture treatments. We do not offer surgery or medication as temporary fixes. Rather we explore your overall health and work to improve your body from a whole systems point of view. There are always broader health concerns that are connected with our sexual health and it is our job to figure out these connections and find your path to better health.”

Typical treatment recommendations may include (depending on your situation):
- Acupuncture and/or Electro-Acupuncture
- Pelvic floor stretching and breathing techniques
- Diet recommendations
- Chinese herbal medicine
- Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and QiGong
Benefits of treatment may include (but are not limited to):
- Longer and more satisfying sexual encounters
- Improved overall health and increased energy
- Reduced stress and relaxation of the nervous system
Traditional doctors have long known the benefits of acupuncture and herbal medicine when it comes to sexual health and energy. Science is finally catching up as researchers begin to explore the connection between sexual function (ED, PE, libido) and Chinese medicine. Explore these recent studies that support acupuncture/electro-acupuncture as male treatment options for sexual dysfunction:
- Acupuncture improves the quality of erections and restores full sexual activity with 40% efficacy.
- Acupuncture and ED blood flow: “Acupuncture increases the Nitrous Oxide level in treated regions and thereby increases local circulation and improves erectile function” Tsuchiya M, 2015
- Electro-acupuncture improves diabetic patients with ED –
- Electro-acupuncture helps with weight loss and Erectile Dysfunction-
- For more evidence on this and other male sexual conditions visit our research section
We will discuss your sexual history and generally assess the current situation, attempting to decipher the puzzle of the current dysfunction. After reviewing your online intake form we can discuss:
- Red flags in your medical history and presenting symptoms
- How weekly treatments can target your chief complaint while also working on stress and body pain
- Food and lifestyle choices you may be making that are potential areas of self-sabotage
- How a consistent acupuncture treatment plan (generally 10 treatments over 2 months) can help improve your symptoms
- The importance of relaxation and some techniques to use outside of the clinic
Within just a few short weeks, you should notice significant changes in many of your health related goals, and overall sense of well-being. These are the signs that your body is becoming optimized for conception.
Treatment of Male Reproductive Conditions – The ins and outs of working with men’s faced with reproductive and andrological health conditions
Risk Free Initial Appointment We want you to feel like Yinstill is the right fit for your reproductive healthcare needs. If you are not completely satisfied with your initial appointment and do not plan to continue treatment at Yinstill, you are under no obligation to pay the appointment fee (see full policy details).