A long journey to success

My husband and I have just gone through an IVF cycle with an egg donor and we’re now looking forward to an upcoming pregnancy test. Regardless of the outcome of that test, we are still a success story and we appreciate what Spence has done for us …

Married late in life, my husband and I still hoped for a family. My GP did not indicate how slim our chances might be. We were overjoyed when I became pregnant but despaired when it was unsuccessful. Time ticked relentlessly by as we hoped for another pregnancy. My GP offered me no support on why I was having troubles conceiving. Our infertility journey had already begun without us even realizing where our path was leading. Finally, I did conceive! However, the pregnancy was once again unsuccessful. My husband and I held each other close and we decided not to give up. A year and a half later, my monthly cycles were still unpredictable and I felt that my chances of being a parent were running out; I wasn’t getting any younger! My GP by this time had given me the impression that there was NO hope left. I had a difficult time accepting that I was a hopeless case when treatments had not even been investigated. After doing some research, I found Dr. Spence Pentland.

Spence was caring and encouraging; giving me hope while remaining realistic. He gave me ideas on what options might still be open to me while I underwent weekly acupuncture treatments and TCM. After three months of treatments, my monthly cycles had settled down into a regular pattern – pretty amazing! However, time was marching on – I had some tests done and was advised by a doctor at a fertility clinic that, although my reproductive system was in “remarkably good health”, I just didn’t have enough of an ovarian reserve to give me a chance of pregnancy with my own eggs. The acupuncture/TCM treatments had done their best for me, but the treatments could not help me further if I had so very few eggs left. It was time to consider other options.

After extensive research, my husband and I decided to try IVF with donated eggs. I continued with the acupuncture / TCM treatments as there is strong evidence that these treatments have a significant, positive impact on the success rate of IVF. I found a wonderful egg donor (at last!) and we completed an IVF cycle a short while ago. It was a difficult road to get to this point, but Spence was there for the duration, helping my husband and I to have the best chance possible for a successful IVF. I’ve met most of the practitioners at Acubalance and they, along with their staff, have always been supportive, kind, helpful, and informative. They have made a difference in my struggle with infertility, helping me come to terms with what was still possible and what was not. They also made me feel that I was no longer alone in my struggle. The staff always greeted me by name and with a smile. It’s a wonderful change from the impersonal GP office where I felt “written off” and insignificant. I’ve also been impressed by the information available on the Acubalance website’s “Fertility Forum” and the replies to my own questions posed there. The people at Acubalance stand behind their website’s promise of “From the moment you step into our centre you will feel cared for”. I now feel that my husband and I have done our best to look at our options. Whether parenthood is in our future or not remains unknown at this time. However, regardless of the test results coming up this week, I can now move forward without regrets – and that in itself is a success. I am very grateful for the regular treatments provided by Spence throughout our journey; not only of acupuncture and TCM but also of hope, encouragement, and advice. Thank you, Spence and everyone else at Acubalance for helping to make this success story happen!

March, 2008
Update: we are delighted to discover that the IVF was successful
and we are now expecting a baby in the fall! Our happiness is beyond

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