After 2 Miscarriages…

After two early miscarriages and almost two years of trying for a successful pregnancy with no identifiable reason for our troubles, we decided to look into IVF and happened to come across the website for Spence. I decided to try acupuncture and herbal teas as way of preparing for IVF. I enjoyed my weekly treatments, in part for the opportunity to simply relax and take some time for myself. After all the frustration and disappointment of the previous two years, it was nice to have hope again and a sense of well being from taking care of myself.

We were thrilled when after three months of treatments with Spence, I became pregnant without ever beginning IVF treatments. I firmly believe that my acupuncture treatments are the primary reason for our success. I continued treatments with Spence during my pregnancy and happily have had a normal, uneventful pregnancy. I am now just a few weeks away from delivering our first child. We are so grateful to Spence for helping make our wishes come true.


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