Forever grateful for the chance encounter that day

A chance conversation between my wife and a new mother first brought us to Dr. Pentland. The new mom had a beautiful baby with her, but told us she’d sadly lost her first when five months pregnant. Thereafter, she began seeing Dr. Pentland; the result was sleeping in her arms. At the time, my wife and I were recovering from the shock of our own miscarriage and trying to get pregnant again. We had never considered acupuncture before, certainly not in relation to fertility, but in light of my wife’s age (39) and our ever-increasing anxiety about being able to have a baby, my wife decided to give it a try. She called Dr. Pentland that day.

Happily, we are now comfortably into the second trimester of a healthy pregnancy. Weekly sessions with Dr. Pentland have provided ideal care that helped my wife through a difficult first trimester. We can only imagine how much worse it would have been without his assistance. As a giant bonus, Dr. Pentland offers expert guidance regarding diet, vitamins, and lifestyle, even making himself available by email to both of us – a great kindness, especially for a nervous husband.

My wife will happily return to Dr. Pentland and his fine staff later in her pregnancy and beyond. To put it mildly, we are forever grateful for the chance encounter that day.

Brendan – Vancouver

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