Hi there! I have a story to share…

My husband (age 38) and I (age 36) tried to get pregnant for one year – which isn’t that long, really, but when you want something badly, any amount of time can be frustrating. I know firsthand how much it sucks to get your period and then wait another month and so on…

We tried everything from BBT, going broke from ovulation kits, very unsexy timed sex…you name it. I heard about Spence in April 2009 after realizing that my stressful job combined with a tendency to pick up every bug that was going around (was just getting over bronchitis) was not helping us reach our goals. After a year, our infertility was unexplained, and after having two of my best friends resort to multiple rounds of IVF after years of trying, I didn’t want to waste any time. We have always wanted to be parents – more than anything in the world.

I went to see Spence and immediately was told I needed to change my diet and tone down the active lifestyle. I replaced boot camp with yoga. I went weekly for three months. Spence put me on a 3 week cleanse and during and after – as hard as it was at first – I’ve never felt better in my life. As much as I love my job, I tried to give it some balance.

After two months of changing my diet and exercise routines, lowering my stress level – combined with positive thinking – I decided to be proactive and go back to PCRM (where we had conducted our tests) to try an IUI in order to maximize our chances. We agreed to try a few cycles and then assess from there. Coupled with Clomid, I went for my first IUI (AKA turkey baster) in early June, and towards the end of the month (refraining from obsessing and spending too much $$ on home pregnancy tests) I got a very exciting phone call that my blood test was positive and that I was due in March!

I was shocked but so excited… and I was proud of the work I put into improving my health and general well being – it was more than worth it.

We had our first ultrasound last week…and…two heartbeats! Again, an absolute shock but definite joy. Twins were the last thing we were expecting, but we’ve gone through a lot to get to this point – both as individuals and as a couple – more than what I can write in this entry.

Anyway, I hope our story gives you hope… If I can give any advice – keep positive, try not to obsess, educate yourself, and be proactive! Obviously I highly recommend Acubalance – it’s a supportive, healthy and wonderful place with great staff and worth the investment of time and money. No matter what happens…you’ll feel empowered and healthier than ever.

Good luck to everyone!


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