I Owe Part of Her “Being” to Dr. Spence

My baby making journey started after not getting pregnant for a year on my own without any contraception. I had always had a cycle that was erratic. When i mentioned this to my neighbour, she told me that she had sent two of her friends who were having the same problem to see Dr. Spence and within two months, they were both pregnant. I wanted to try something more natural and it didn’t take long for me to call and book my first appointment.

At my first visit, Dr. Spence wrote down my complete medical history, charted my cycle and I began my first acupuncture treatment. It was a very relaxing and pleasant experience despite the needles. I think his soothing voice and demeanor might’ve even bene the most relaxing part. Within weeks, Dr. Spence got my cycles on a schedule and and after two months of acupuncture treatments, and religiously taking my chinese herbs, I was pregnant for the first time ever, & healthy to boot. I continued treatments throughout my pregnancy which helped with my morning sickness and delivered a healthy daughter at almost 9 pounds. I owe part of her “being” to Dr. Spence and his treatments and have recommended his practice to countless others who have also had the same experience. Thank you Dr. Spence for helping me make my amazing pregnancy possible!

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