There is hope…

After my wife and I tried unsuccessfully to conceive for two years, we were faced with the daunting prospect of finding out “why”? Through a series of tests it was determined that my sperm morphology was a likely culprit. Thus began my adventure with Spence Pentland.

The idea that my sperm were somewhat dysfunctional was a thought that had never occurred to me. I admit that I did not handle the news all that well. In particular, I remember two disheartening sessions with a urologist who made me feel quite inadequate. The medical prognosis was non-existent. In other words, hard luck!

At the suggestion of one of my wife’s friends, we both attended an information session at Yinstill which offered a glimmer of hope to our dilemma. I decided to throw caution to the wind and began attending the clinic twice weekly. Although I am open to alternative therapies, I had never tried acupuncture previously.

Over the course of five months the team at Yinstill confidently guided me through a regime that included acupuncture, herbal remedies, a dietary cleanse and some quite amusing lifestyle changes. I changed from briefs to boxers. I stopped taking hot baths. I cut back on intoxicants. Anything to try to normalize my swimmers.

Being a creature of habit, these changes did not come about easily. Looking back, I couldn’t have done it without the guidance and support of Spence who was always willing to listen to my concerns and understood that I sometimes felt like a reluctant guinea pig in my own research project.

And then, the unlikely happened – my sperm tests began to improve. Slowly but surely I went from abnormal to well within normal range. The perfect happy ending to this story would be that my wife and I conceived naturally. The actual outcome is close. We decided to proceed with IVF treatments and yes, we now have a lovely baby girl.

Could we have done it without IVF? Possibly. Did Spence and the Yinstill team help? Undoubtedly. The proof lies in my improved test results.

Infertility is a blow to any couple who wants to experience the joy of childbirth. And the subject of male infertility appears to be quite unexplored. I recommend Spence Pentland to any man who experiences the letdown of male infertility. There is hope.


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