Up to 80% of pregnant women suffer from heartburn, a burning feeling in the chest and throat. Greater elasticity of the abdominal muscles can cause the valve at the entrance of the stomach to remain slightly open instead of closing slightly so that…
Many pregnancy women, particularly those expecting more than one baby are anemic. Anemia occurs if the level of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells falls below normal. It is important to have healthy blood during pregnancy to prevent low…
Back pain
Backache in pregnancy often occurs as a result of ligaments and joints being softened by hormonal action. In the pelvis, this leads to Symphysis pubic pain, which makes it difficult to sleep or do chores such as shopping. Sciatica may be caused by…
Cystitis, Yeast, and Herpes
Cystitis is common in pregnancy, and is caused by bacteria that inflame the lining of the bladder. Yeast, a vaginal infection, also often affects pregnant women. The herpes simplex virus can cause cold sores and genital herpes. Women with genital…
Edema, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Leg Cramps
Edema, or mild swelling, of the ankles or hands often occurs on pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by swelling of the hands restricting nerves in the wrist. Leg cramps, or “restless legs” are…
10% of pregnancy women suffer from migraine – a severe headache caused by dilation of blood vessels in the brain and is linked to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Headaches can also be caused by stress or tension in the head or neck in result from…
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, or pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), tends to occur after 20 weeks, and affects 5-10 percent of women. A blood pressure reading greater than 140 over 90 will cause concern, although there may be no symptoms. First time…
Morning Sickness
About 50% of women experience morning sickness. It may be caused by nutritional deficiencies (B6 and zinc), changes in hormone levels, and/or the body’s way of eliminating toxins. It tends to be worse between the 7th and 12th week of pregnancy,…
Mouth Problems
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gums to thicken and soften, which may lead to tooth and gum problems. Inflamed, sore, and bleeding gums, blisters on the lips, unusual taste sensation, and or loose or aching teeth are common in the first…
Respiratory Problems
From early pregnancy, the lungs and diaphragm become compresses in order to accommodate the expanding uterus. Breathing becomes shallower, and any respiratory weakness, such as a tendency to hay fever, may worsen. You may also find yourself more…
Skin Problems
During pregnancy the skin is affected by hormonal changes. It has to work harder to eliminate toxins and, as the body’s shape changes, skin must stretch. Some women experience a marked improvement in skin quality while others develop acne or are…
Stress & Anxiety
Pregnancy is one of the greatest changes in life, and change is nearly always accompanied by stress. As well as physical stresses of fatigue, nausea, and altered body shapes you may feel anxious about being pregnant, finances, and the baby’s health…