Fascial and Muscle Imbalance in the Pelvis, by Natalie Woodhouse, RMT

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Functional posture imbalance in pelvic alignment can be assessed and rebalanced under RMT care. A functional postural change means that the soft tissues, such as muscle, fascia and ligaments, have altered by either shortening or lengthening. Imbalanced pelvic posture most commonly appears as a “Sway-back” or one hip higher then the other. Daily habits such as wearing heels or sitting cross legged, driving standard for long periods, riding a bike regularly or carrying children or bags consistently on one side can contribute to pelvic imbalance.

Observing posture alignment and addressing any imbalances can add insight into the fertility experience. Relative symmetry in length and strength of the muscles, fascial tension and mobility of the joints in the pelvis are necessary for full and proper functioning of, not just the muscles and fascia, but also on nerves, blood supply, and surrounding organs (Fiona Rattray pg. 513).

RMT Treatment for Pelvic Imbalance

The initial assessment helps to rule out the degree of correction required, as not all asymmetry needs to be corrected. This includes assessing daily habits, muscle patterns of strength or weakness, spinal alignment, history of injuries, joint mobility, or leg length discrepancy.

RMT's can address the surrounding soft tissue structures of the spine and legs with low velocity, non-invasive methods. The basic principle for treating postural dysfunctions, includes stretching the short muscles, and to strengthen the weak muscles (Fiona Rattray pg. 516). Regular treatment is important for increasing the longevity of the new postural changes.

It's unrealistic to come for one treatment and expect it to last long term when you've been walking this way, or that for years. Chronic issues benefit best from an initial phase of consecutive treatments then regulated by intermittent follow ups. If you have questions or you are curious about how pelvic balance can benefit you please come in and visit our RMT.

Resource: Rattray, Fiona & Ludwig, Linda. Clinical Massage Therapy, (2000) pg 513-516.

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