I was asked by a woman for a list of tips and things she could do herself to best optimize for IVF success. The following is my ever growing list. Simply choose a few of the items below and commit to being consistent with their implementation. Your plan must be sustainable and in no way shape or form ADD stress to your life, that would be extremely counter productive. Many of the resources below are further explained by clicking on them or visiting here
Acupuncture for both the male and female
Massage therapy
Make sure someone has answered all your questions
Divorce Dr. Google
Take your vitamins (good quality prenatal multi, coq10, fish oils)
Schedule fun and soul feeding activities
Eat walnuts
Femoral massage
Foot soaks
Disconnect and reconnect
Surround yourself with beauty
Castor oil packs
Stress point acupressure you can do at home
Yoga (yin style)
Deep breathing exercises
Meditation or Qigong
Time in nature
Do not overeat
Eat lots of colorful foods
Slow down
Smell a flower
Take a walk as slow as you can
Enjoy washing your hands
Eliminate coffee
Eliminate alcohol
Reduce dairy
Eliminate junk foods
Choose organic foods
Drink enough quality water
Get enough quality sleep
Avoid emotional extremes
Stop smoking
Mild to moderate exercise only
*Visit our IVF & Acupuncture Research section
*Understand our On Site PCRM, Grace, & Genesis embryo transfer day acupuncture procedure