Prostatitis is pain and swelling of the prostate gland. It usually develops for unknown reasons.
Prostatitis can result from a bacterial infection that spreads to the prostate from the urinary tract or from bacteria in the blood stream. Bacterial infections may develop slowly and tend to recur (chronic bacterial prostatitis) or develop rapidly (acute). Rarely fungal, viral or protozoal infections can cause prostatitis.
Symptoms: spasm of the muscles in the bladder and pelvis, especially in the perineum (area between the scrotum and the anus). The lower back, and often the penis and testes. Frequent urination, urgency, pain and burning upon urination are possible symptoms. Pain may make obtaining an erection or ejaculating difficult or even painful. Constipation may develop as well.
With Acute bacterial prostatitis, symptoms such as fever, difficulty urinating and blood in urine are seen. Bacterial prostatitis can result in a collection of pus/abscess in the prostate or in epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis). Chronic prostatitis can impair fertility.
Diagnosis and treatment: usually based on the symptoms, and through physical examination. The prostate examined through the rectum by a doctor, may be swollen and tender to touch. Cultures are taken of urine and sometimes of fluids expressed from the penis after messaging the prostate during the examination.
Urine cultures show bacterial infections located anywhere in the urinary tract. When cultures show no bacterial infection, prostatitis is usually harder to cure and treatments may focus on relieving symptoms. Non-bacterial infection prostatitis which is very common may come from immunoreaction, tensing the perineum, putting pressure on the pelvic muscles from sitting for long period of time, backup of urine flow causing prostate enlargement, congestion, calcification and stones.
Non-drug treatments include prostate message, frequent ejaculation and sitting in a warm bath. Relaxation techniques may relieve spasm and pain of the pelvic muscles.
TCM through the use of herbs and acupuncture help resolve the underlying issue by resolving stagnation that occurs/congestion. Majority of treatments are differentiated by acute and chronic type, inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Diet and sanitary lifestyle changes are important for faster recovery.
Drug therapies: stool softeners to help defecation, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve pain and swelling. Alpha-adrenergic blockers to relieve prostate enlargement. If symptoms are severe surgery partial or complete removal of the prostate. Bacterial infections, an oral antibiotic that can penetrate prostate tissue.…