
Erectile Dysfunction Yinstill Reproductive Health

Naturopathic Support for Male Factor Infertility: how natural medicine can improve the quality of your swimmers

Fact: male factor infertility is responsible for 40% of all cases of infertility. In my opinion, the most common misconception when a couple has trouble conceiving is to immediately assume that there is something wrong with the woman. This notion is exhibited both by the woman who naturally takes on guilt and the man who is often reluctant to seek a health assessment (case in point, our patient base consists of at least 80% women).

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Naturopathic Support for Male Factor Infertility: how natural medicine can improve the quality of your swimmers Read More »

Bowen & Fertility: A gentle approach to improve your chances of conception

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy is a holistic and multidimensional approach to pain relief and healing that has achieved remarkable results over the past 50 years. It is based on the recognition by Tom Bowen, its originator, who lived and practiced in Australia, that the underlying cause or source of many musculoskeletal, neurological, neuromuscular and other health or pain problems could be found in the soft tissue or fascia. Fascia is a specific type of connective tissue that forms a three dimensional web surrounding every tissue in the body.

Bowen & Fertility: A gentle approach to improve your chances of conception Read More »

Naturopathic Medicine and IVF: How a holistic approach can help improve your chances of success

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is now responsible for 1% of all births in North America. This assisted reproductive technology is definitely on the rise and is something I come across everyday in practice. Patients seek support at Yinstill Reproductive Wellness because there is something missing from their treatment regimen at the fertility clinic. Often times women come into Yinstill wanting to know how they can complement their upcoming IVF, FET (frozen embryo transfer) or IUI (intrauterine insemination) cycle with natural treatments.

Naturopathic Medicine and IVF: How a holistic approach can help improve your chances of success Read More »

Natural Solutions for Endometriosis

Endometriosis – non-malignant cancer of the uterus, is one way of describing this condition affecting 15% of women of reproductive age. Endometriosis cells act like cancer cells – growing and attracting their own blood supply. For most women, this condition can be extremely painful at every period and can prevent them from getting pregnant. There are several important factors to consider when treating endometriosis. These are inflammation, autoimmunity, blood vessel formation, estrogen dominance and progesterone resistance.

Natural Solutions for Endometriosis Read More »

PCOS & infertility yinstill reproductive wellness

Yes, you can treat PCOS naturally.

PCOS – this is an acronym that gets thrown around a lot at Yinstill and generally in my day to day life when interacting with patients. PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This is one of the most common causes of female infertility around the world, and especially in North America. Just from hearing the name, many people assume that this condition involves the presence of cysts on the ovaries. However, this is not the case and cystic ovaries are no longer a requirement for diagnosing this condition.

Yes, you can treat PCOS naturally. Read More »

The IV Solution to Stress

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Stress is inevitable in our day to day lives. The sooner we accept this simple fact, the sooner we can begin to take the right steps in mitigating the effects of stress on our body and mind. The problem with treatments and activities that claim to “reduce stress” is that stress, like pain, is perceived. So it is not possible to reduce the actual stressor –

The IV Solution to Stress Read More »

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Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!