Tops three things to consider in how massage can benefit fertility.
1. A harmonious sonata happens between your nerves and hormones as you relax into your massage. A gentle shift in stimulation of the nervous system from 'fight or flight' to 'rest and digest' can change the function that nurtures the activities of hormones that play a big role in fertility success.
2. Abdominal massage and relaxed, deep breathing can act as a pump for lymph and blood flow in the lower abdomen allowing for delivery of essential nutrients to developing follicles and supporting organs. Tummy rubs just got better!
3. Without even thinking about it. Benefit from structural support, postural adjustments, and pain relief while relaxing the mind, forgetting all your stresses and working with loving intentions as mindful meditation for your and your body.
>> Click here to read the bio of Natalie Woodhouse, registered massage therapist