Dr. Spence Pentland

Erectile Dysfunction Yinstill Reproductive Health

Thyroid & Male Fertility

Back to Male Factor Infertility

When treating male factor infertility, we often treat female fertility also, this makes sense. Research and understandings of female infertility also help us better understand what to investigate when it comes to men. An area of female infertility that is generally overlooked, misunderstood, and treated poorly is issues of the thyroid. Since thyroid health is showing more and more importance in female infertility, it makes sense to start investigating its role in male factor as well.

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Pumpkin Pie Porridge

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Guest Post by Krista A. Parr

This delicious breakfast is perfect for a cool Autumn morning, and contains plenty of protein, quality fats, and low-glycemic carbohydrates to keep you satisfied until lunchtime. Amaranth, a gluten-free whole grain similar to quinoa, is exceptionally high in protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamin B6, which are all important for optimal health and fertility.

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LH Ovulation Strips for Tracking Fertility – the What Why and How

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What are LH Ovulation Strips, and why should I be using them?
The LH Ovulation Strip is a fast and easy home-use test to predict when you are having your LH (Luteinizing Hormone) surge. This test is a preferred method of tracking when the most fertile days of your cycle occur, and is one of the most reliable predictors of ovulation.

Besides their common use for timing of intercourse,

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in-vitro fertilization ivf yinstill reproductive health

How to optimize for IVF success

I was asked by a woman for a list of tips and things she could do herself to best optimize for IVF success. The following is my ever growing list. Simply choose a few of the items below and commit to being consistent with their implementation. Your plan must be sustainable and in no way shape or form ADD stress to your life, that would be extremely counter productive. Many of the resources below are further explained by clicking on them or visiting here

  • Acupuncture for both the male and female
  • Massage therapy
  • Make sure someone has answered all your questions
  • Divorce Dr.
  • How to optimize for IVF success Read More »

    Length of Human Pregnancies Can Vary Naturally by as Much as Five Weeks

    Aug. 6, 2013 — The length of a human pregnancy can vary naturally by as much as five weeks, according to research published online August 7 in the journal Human Reproduction.

    Normally, women are given a date for the likely delivery of their baby that is calculated as 280 days after the onset of their last menstrual period. Yet only four percent of women deliver at 280 days and only 70% deliver within 10 days of their estimated due date,

    Length of Human Pregnancies Can Vary Naturally by as Much as Five Weeks Read More »

    Imago & Being Intentionally Single

    What distinguishes Imago Relationship Therapy from other types of therapy it that it provides an immediate, positive impact on relationships and tools to manage conflict in a way that feels safe and supportive. Imago consists of several important principles: we are born in relationship, wounded in relationship, and heal in relationship. In addition, we find ourselves attracted to someone who fits an unconscious profile of our primary caregivers and our lost parts.

    Imago also stresses the idea that conflict with our partner is good because it presents us with an opportunity to grow,

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    Treatment of Male Reproductive Conditions

    For many years now I have been treating men suffering with conditions such as; male factor infertility (poor sperm parameters), premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido (testosterone), and prostate conditions such as prostatitis, BPH, and chronic pelvic pain (CPPS). I have come to some overarching conclusions about the treatment and prognosis of these conditions, and not surprisingly, they are not that dis-similar to one another.

    First and foremost, if treatment is to be successful,

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    Supporting Progesterone Naturally

    Progesterone (synthetic progestin or bio-identical progesterone) is often prescribed for women looking to balance their hormones. But is hormone replacement always necessary? Naturopathic Medicine uses foods, herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes to help normalize hormone levels and bring the body back to balance. Although Naturopathic Doctors can prescribe bio-identical hormones, adding new hormones into your body is often a last resort.

    Progesterone can be low due to relative excess of estrogen – including exposure to environmental estrogens such as those found in plastics,

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    Dr. Oz – Hormone Balance 101

    Both mine and my wife's favorite magazines (Success & Oprah, you guess which is who's!) always feature an article by the famous Dr. Oz. Below are the pearls of one of his recent columns on Hormone balance. He likens the hormones that run a women's body to an orchestra: '…each plays its own part in creating a perfect concert – until the day one is out of tune and throws off the entire melody.'

    If you are overweight you may have elevated estrogen levels as fat cells produce this hormone.

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    How to Improve a Thin Uterine Lining to Increase Fertility

    By: Dr. Spence Pentland. One of the major causes of infertility and IVF failure is a thin uterine lining, inadequate blood flow to the uterus. Treatment to increase blood flow is essential to improving fertility and reducing chances of miscarriage. It should be noted that stress, lack of exercise, not enough rest, lack of joy, and certain foods all can inhibit blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. The following are effective treatments for a thin endometrial lining…

    How to Improve a Thin Uterine Lining to Increase Fertility Read More »

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    Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

    Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!