The Conception Channel Podcast

Hilariously Infertile – Karen’s Story…

Hilariously Infertile – Karen’s Story…

(33:40) I had a great time interviewing Karen. She was very open about her personal story through infertility, and has taken her experience and used it to create a fantastic resource for women – Hilariously Infertile, a website, social media platforms, and a new book dedicated to her unique perspective on the struggle of infertility. She believes that laughter is good medicine and that sometimes, no matter how dire, we all could benefit from being able to laugh at our circumstance. Check out the podcast and check out her resources, they may be exactly what you need right now!
Spence Pentland

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Mike Berkley Discusses Integrative Approaches to Infertility

Mike Berkley Discusses Common Infertility Conditions & Explains Exactly How Modern & Ancient Medicine Can Help

(1:02:40) The First Acupuncturist in the US to Specialize in the Treatment of Infertility. I feel lucky to have him as a professional colleague in the reproductive health field. Lots of amazing information packed into this podcast regarding how both modern medicine and Chinese medicine approach infertility, where each is strong, where each is weak, and how they can best work together for the benefit of the patient. As always Mike, I love you and am so happy you accepted the invite to be on the show. 
Spence Pentland

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Dissecting The Research: Understanding In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) & Acupuncture (TCM)

Dissecting The Research: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) & Acupuncture (TCM)

Lee is clearly a decorated mover and shaker. She is playing such a huge role in furthering the understanding of how Chinese medicine as a whole (which includes but is not limited to acupuncture) can help improve IVF success rates.  her research is pioneering and is the first to attempt to capture the true holistic essence and power of Chinese medicine, so that healthcare providers and women struggling to get pregnant can more deeply trust and embrace this wonderful resource.  If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to find yourself a Chinese medicine doctor with experience in reproductive health. 
Spence Pentland

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How to Cultivate Fertility Through Guided Visualization & Meditation

Cultivating Fertility Through Guided Visualization & Meditation

Joanne is the founder of Circle+Bloom, guided audio visualization and meditations for women (& men) struggling with infertility. There are different audio programs for many of the common conditions associated with infertility such as PCOS, IVF, and much more. Since this resource was released I have been recommending it to my patients, and the results have been nothing short of amazing! Joanne and her team have really created a fantastic resource, and if you haven’t already tried them, today is the day to start.
Spence Pentland

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How To Navigate Your Fertility Journey Using Your Heart (NOT HEAD) & Intuition To Guide You

How To Navigate Your Fertility Journey Using Your Heart (NOT HEAD) & Intuition To Guide You

Sue embodies what she teaches, and has been helping people struggling with infertility for many years now. The focus of her approach is one that I know to be of incredible importance when faced with difficulties getting pregnant and carrying to term. It is important to put emphasis on your heart-spirit when reproductive challenges become your reality. Sue can help, come see / listen how now.
Spence Pentland

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Diet & Fertility – How You Should Eat When Trying To Get Pregnant

Diet & Fertility – How You Should Eat When Trying To Get Pregnant

This lady is passionate about food and fertility. She has dedicated her life to the understanding of how diet affects reproductive health. This discussion with Kathryn will prove to help get your head wrapped around the big picture of how you should be approaching diet when trying to conceive. Diet is a HUGE piece of health in general and fertility in particular. So grab a pen and get ready to take some notes, as information like this could prove to be some of the most important guidance you will receive on your path to pregnancy. 
Spence Pentland

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The Vagina Coach – How Your Pelvic Floor May Be Key To Unlocking Your Fertility Potential

The Vagina Coach – How Your Pelvic Floor May Be Key To Unlocking Your Fertility Potential

A great podcast that may hold a key to unlocking your fertility potential. First off, all I can say is that I learned a lot from this interview, so much so that I will be referring all my fertility patients to a pelvic floor physical/physio therapist from here forward! Kim is great, and has a lot of knowledge and passion for helping women have better experiences with sex, orgasm, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods in their life.
Spence Pentland

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Katie’s fertility story

Katie’s fertility story

I have the pleasure of being here today with Katie. We go quite far back together, we worked together when she was trying to do everything she could to accomplish her dream, a family. She’s been kind enough to share her story, she’s quite an advocate for anyone needing any support in any way that has the same goal and is at a point in their life where they’re struggling. Welcome, Katie.
Spence Pentland

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Fertility App, The Importance of Being Good at Change, & The End of PMS

Fertility App, The Importance of Being Good at Change, & The End of PMS

(37:56) Let me tell you a little about this lady – she is a force, a freight train moving forward toward her vision, and she is kicking major ass! She is inspirational in the arena of ‘getting shit done’, and pulling her weight in moving TCM into the future.  At the end of this interview you will be asking yourself ‘How can I leave my mark on the TCM industry, and help more patients in the process?’.  The products she has created may even end up being a revolutionary change in your own practice. This podcast is a must not miss. 
Spence Pentland

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