The Conception Channel Podcast

On Being Still

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. This pretty much goes without saying. It really is a wonder that we thrive, that our bodies continue to perform their varied and miraculous functions almost seamlessly through the stress of it all…our hearts continue beating,

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Interview with Author of ‘Conquering Infertility’ -Alice Domar, Mind Body Fertility Expert

Interview with Author of ‘Conquering Infertility’ -Alice Domar, Mind Body Fertility Expert

(47:04) Alice is clearly the leading expert when it comes to the mind-body-fertility connection. She presents resent research on the topic and discusses what she has seen and learned since the mid 1980’s when she started her journey working with infertility and how the mind-body influences this condition.  The fertility APPS she has created (free) for both men and women are amazing and I encourage you to check them out after listening to this interview.
Spence Pentland

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How to practice yoga during an IVF cycle

Yoga, including breathing exercises, meditative practices, and specific body postures, is widely practiced for its relaxation and overall health benefits.  Many people I work with practice yoga daily and ask me if it is OK if they continue their yoga practice while they are undergoing an IVF cycle.

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