
Benefits of Immune Boosting Vitamin C IV’s

What can we do to stay healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic? First and foremost, we must eat well to fuel and nourish our bodies and minds with the necessary nutrients to energize and feel good throughout the day. Of equal importance is movement, of any kind. It’s vital for circulation, digestion, immune function, and mood to do some form of exercise every day. Going outside and exposing ourselves to some sunshine (whenever possible) is best for getting a mega-dose of Vitamin D,

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Benefits of Immune Boosting Vitamin C IV’s Read More »

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How do we get sick? Chinese Medicine theory

Health is more than just the absence of disease. Health is a state of balance within your body, with an adequate reserve of energy and resources so that you can thrive.

Balance is the key to health in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is important to have a balance between work and exercise, a balanced diet, a balance in sexual activity, a balance in exposure to climate, and a balance of emotions.

In Chinese Medicine theory,

How do we get sick? Chinese Medicine theory Read More »

Conception During Corona [March 24, 2020]

Whether your immediate goals of conception are on track or have temporarily been put on hold, ensuring that your immune system is strong is essential. The best part of the following guidance on strengthening your immune system is that almost all of these activities will also positively impact your fertility. Win-win.

  • Sleep. Without a doubt, this is the top of my list. Without enough quality sleep, all biological function suffers. It’s that simple.

Conception During Corona [March 24, 2020] Read More »

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