Marni Ross

Benefits of Immune Boosting Vitamin C IV’s

What can we do to stay healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic? First and foremost, we must eat well to fuel and nourish our bodies and minds with the necessary nutrients to energize and feel good throughout the day. Of equal importance is movement, of any kind. It’s vital for circulation, digestion, immune function, and mood to do some form of exercise every day. Going outside and exposing ourselves to some sunshine (whenever possible) is best for getting a mega-dose of Vitamin D,

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Benefits of Immune Boosting Vitamin C IV’s Read More »

in-vitro fertilization ivf yinstill reproductive health

QUALITY – Yinstill’s Woman’s Fertility Formula

Quality is a unique blend of nutrients and herbs focused on optimizing the mitochondrial health of egg cells. Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the egg cell, is responsible for energy production, oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryonic development, therefore, nutrients essential for mitochondrial health are important for the quality of your oocytes, What’s superior about this formula is the inclusion of multiple antioxidants and mitochondrial support nutrients, which all play different roles in supporting the mitochondria to function more effectively at optimizing energy production in the cell,

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in-vitro fertilization ivf yinstill reproductive health

IV Micronutrient Therapy and Fertility

Intravenous (IV) micronutrient therapy is a customized vitamin treatment that infuses nutrients directly into the bloodstream and is the most effective way to deliver vitamins and minerals to the cells and tissues of your body. When compared to oral supplementation (where absorption is maybe 30-40%), IV nutrient absorption is 100% because you bypass the digestive tract and do not need to be concerned with any digestion or absorption issues. Benefits include improvements in energy, mood,

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pregnancy yinstill reproductive wellness

When, how and why to take Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one of our fat soluble vitamins, meaning that it is stored in adipose tissue, as well as in the liver and skeletal muscle.  Vitamin A is required for normal vision and it is found in two forms in our diets. The most bioavailable form is called retinol (or retinoids) and is found in animal foods (like eggs and liver).   The other form is called pro-Vitamin A (also known as carotenoids) is found in plants foods and must be converted into the active form (however many people are not able to convert carotenoids to retinol).

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The Stress and Infertility Connection

We often hear that stress can contribute to fertility difficulties – some couples can try for years, with no success and it’s when they are not actively trying that somehow pregnancy occurs.

Why does this happen?  What is the connection between stress and infertility?

That answer is hormones!

Female hormones, specifically cortisol and progesterone are the two hormones that are responsible for dealing with stress and for maintaining a healthy pregnancy,

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Food to Include
Food to Avoid


Eat only 1 or 2 pieces of any of the following fruits a day and try and to eat mostly lower carbohydrate fruits (3 or 6%):

3% – cantaloupe, strawberries, melons, blueberries, raspberries, lemons and limes

6% – apriocts, blackberries, papaya, peaches, plus, kiwi

15%- apples, cherries, grapes, mangoes, pears, pineapple, pomegranate

20% – bananas, figs, prunes or any other dried fruit


grapefruit and oranges


It is best to try to eat mostly the low carbohydrate vegetables (3 or 6%):

3% –

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Inflammation:  What it does to you and how can your diet help

Inflammation:  What it does to you and how can your diet help

The inflammatory response that is triggered in our bodies is necessary to help fight infection and is useful in the short term as it is part of the immune response.  When the inflammatory reaction continues after an infection is gone it can cause many health problems. Chronic inflammation may be the common factor in many diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and some autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis,

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Erectile Dysfunction Yinstill Reproductive Health

Do Men Go Through Menopause?

Yes, they do!  Male menopause also known as andropause is similar to female menopause, however there are some distinctions.  For males, it is a more gradual hormonal shift (it can span 20 years) and not all males experience it. The cause of andropause is a decline in the hormone testosterone and a possible shift to estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase.  Testosterone starts to increase during the adolescent years and it is responsible for the puberty changes that a male goes through such as increased muscle mass,

Do Men Go Through Menopause? Read More »

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Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!