Male Factor Infertility

How Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help with Male Factor Infertility

Approximately 40% of couples who are having trouble conceiving will experience male factor infertility, creating a significant area of interest which is often overlooked by both couples and specialists. From a conventional medicine perspective, there are a several variables at play with respect to male factor infertility, including sperm parameters (morphology, motility, quantity and concentration), antisperm antibodies, varicoceles, and erectile dysfunction.

While conventional medicine will offer some ideas to benefit male reproductive health,

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Naturopathic Support for Male Factor Infertility: how natural medicine can improve the quality of your swimmers

Fact: male factor infertility is responsible for 40% of all cases of infertility. In my opinion, the most common misconception when a couple has trouble conceiving is to immediately assume that there is something wrong with the woman. This notion is exhibited both by the woman who naturally takes on guilt and the man who is often reluctant to seek a health assessment (case in point, our patient base consists of at least 80% women).

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Foods to Improve Sperm Motility and Morphology

Recent research published in a peer reviewed medical journal, ‘Fertility & Sterility’ displayed correlations between the intake of lycopene and sperm morphology, and carotene and sperm motility. I have always pushed for men to add more colorful foods to their diet, as many studies confirm the importance of good nutrition and sperm quality.

Lycopene Rich Foods for Sperm Morphology:
tomatoes (sun dried are best, raw and cooked are also good), guava, watermelon,

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Sperm Motility & Protein in the Diet

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A good place to find out about how to optimize sperm is the dairy and beef industries. Basically, the whole purpose of a bull (stud) is to produce sperm of high quality, and lots of it, so that all the heifers and cows on the farm can make calves, which grow into beautiful heifers, then have calves of their own, become a cow, and then have more calfs.

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Omega Oils For Your Stud

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Just finished reading a study in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics and wanted to share how research keeps pointing out the importance of omega oils and sperm. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to make a daily habit of either eating some wild salmon (better yet, herring, anchovies, or sardines) or popping a daily supplement of high quality fish oil.

The study showed that sperm from bovine studs thawed much better from its frozen state when it was supplemented with omega oils and vitamin e.

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Thyroid & Male Fertility

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When treating male factor infertility, we often treat female fertility also, this makes sense. Research and understandings of female infertility also help us better understand what to investigate when it comes to men. An area of female infertility that is generally overlooked, misunderstood, and treated poorly is issues of the thyroid. Since thyroid health is showing more and more importance in female infertility, it makes sense to start investigating its role in male factor as well.

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Treatment of Male Reproductive Conditions

For many years now I have been treating men suffering with conditions such as; male factor infertility (poor sperm parameters), premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido (testosterone), and prostate conditions such as prostatitis, BPH, and chronic pelvic pain (CPPS). I have come to some overarching conclusions about the treatment and prognosis of these conditions, and not surprisingly, they are not that dis-similar to one another.

First and foremost, if treatment is to be successful,

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There is hope…

After my wife and I tried unsuccessfully to conceive for two years, we were faced with the daunting prospect of finding out “why”? Through a series of tests it was determined that my sperm morphology was a likely culprit. Thus began my adventure with Spence Pentland.

The idea that my sperm were somewhat dysfunctional was a thought that had never occurred to me. I admit that I did not handle the news all that well.

There is hope… Read More »

When I first went to be treated for infertility I had my reservations

Western medical science cannot solve my specific problem and I thought that Traditional Chinese Medicine was an esoteric last ditch effort in a fight against the unknown. Fortunately enough, I came into contact with Spence Pentland.

I found, and continue to find, Spence as a knowledgeable, considerate, and professional practitioner of TCM. His diagnosis and treatment were comprehensive and skilful. He was also sensitive to the feedback from my treatments and modified his process to account for my individual needs.

When I first went to be treated for infertility I had my reservations Read More »

I can’t even describe what an incredible experience I had with Spence, both in terms of the person, and the treatment I received

He came very highly recommended to help deal with an fertility problem my wife and I were having and quickly morphed into a total body and mind experience. I felt so incredible after each treatment, I found myself looking forward to going back (which isn’t how I usually feel about going to doctors). Amazingly, after just a few treatments, my wife and I got pregnant!! Even without that happening, I recommend Spence to everybody I know,

I can’t even describe what an incredible experience I had with Spence, both in terms of the person, and the treatment I received Read More »

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