
Cannabis and Female Fertility: Is it a fit for you? 

With the abundance of cannabis dispensaries available to us today, and the multitude of issues and symptoms that claim to be eased and solved with cannabis, one can easily be led to think this is a harmless addition to your daily or weekly routine.

In a time where there is mass information and conflicting data on the use of cannabis, it is important to truly discover if this is the right fit for you, especially when it comes to your reproductive health and fertility goals.

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Cannabis and Female Fertility: Is it a fit for you?  Read More »

The Stress and Infertility Connection

We often hear that stress can contribute to fertility difficulties – some couples can try for years, with no success and it’s when they are not actively trying that somehow pregnancy occurs.

Why does this happen?  What is the connection between stress and infertility?

That answer is hormones!

Female hormones, specifically cortisol and progesterone are the two hormones that are responsible for dealing with stress and for maintaining a healthy pregnancy,

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Surrendering to yourself, one breath at a time

Giving back to your body after suffering loss is one of the most empathetic and compassionate things you can do for yourself. The energy that is put into trying to conceive whether it be naturally or with an IUI or IVF cycle, the financial resources, anticipation and unfortunately sometimes the result we didn’t expect, can be a hard hit to the soul.

Picking yourself up after this point in the journey can be another expression of caring for your spirit.

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Progesterone and Yang: A TCM Perspective

Progesterone, also known as P4, is a reproductive hormone involved in the menstrual cycle. Influencing what is known as the “luteal phase”, it helps prepare the uterine lining for implantation. If implantation does occur, progesterone helps maintain the integrity of the endometrium, helping to secure the new pregnancy. It also plays a role in the development of an embryo.


Where does progesterone come from?

The first half of the menstrual cycle is referred to as the “follicular phase”.

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How To Hydrate Your Face During Winter

Do you suffer from dry skin, deep wrinkles or both that becomes aggravated in the winter? Well, investing in cosmetic acupuncture to care for these areas of your face can be very uplifting (pun intended!) and free from the myriad of constituents in skin care products.


Winter time can produce very dry skin and this can increase the appearance of deeper set wrinkles on the face. During the winter I recommend to use a deeper facial needling technique to stimulate and activate muscle tone.

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Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!