The Conception Channel Podcast
Watch Less TV and Exercise More to Optimize Sperm
Semen quality has been decreasing steadily over the past few decades and the reasons for this are debated and complicated. However the steady increase in a more sedentary lifestyle including video games and TV watching may play a significant role in our reproductive health.
Evidence that Stress affects our Testosterone levels
Testosterone is the force behind our sex drive and erectile health, it’s the reason we make sperm. When deficient it can cause fatigue, weakness, depression,
Sperm and Miscarriage
Many studies show a link between poor sperm quality and miscarriage, therefore this possibility cannot be overlooked when recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is affecting a couple.
Low Vitamin D Levels Tied To Prostate Cancer Growth
Research has shown that there is a link between prostate cancer and low vitamin D levels. They have found that men with prostate cancer tend to have lower levels of vitamin D.
Varicose veins aren’t just for legs – Obstructed vessels and low sperm parameters
The male reproductive organs are dependent upon blood circulation to control temperature in the testicles and to bring nutrients for the production of sperm (spermatogenesis).
Did you know… your swimmers are what you eat?
There are certain foods and nutrients that may boost male fertility. This cross-sectional study which was published in the Fertility and Sterility journal shows that semen motility and morphology are affected by antioxidant intake.
What does it all mean? – The Semen Analysis (part 2)
Semen analysis (part 2)
So now that you have dropped off your sample and have returned home to anxiously await the results. What will your semen analysis tell you?
Improve male fertility by doing this twice a week for 5 minutes
Ever heard of glutathione? Some refer to it as the “mother antioxidant” as it is arguably the most powerful antioxidant in the human body. The job of antioxidants is to protect the cells of your body from oxidative damage caused by aging,
Medication and Male Fertility
There are numerous situations, habits, or conditions that can affect different factors of male fertility – including sperm count, sperm shape, sperm movement, libido, or erectile function.
Are You Cooking Your Balls?
Don’t Cook Your Balls, yup, you heard right! This is an amazing website which is a self-proclaimed ‘A Light-Hearted Guide to Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health’.
Are your swimmers up for the challenge? – The Semen Analysis (part 1)
Every day throughout the month of November (MOvember) the team at Yinstill has committed to publishing one blog or article each day. Since I will have the opportunity to make four contributions,
10 Foods to Boost Male Health
A healthy diet and exercise can help overall health but there are some foods that have proper nutrients that will improve cardiovascular health and reproductive health in men.