Read What Our Past Clients Have Said…

The Roller Coaster

For me, the infertility roller coaster started on Day 1 of every cycle….the anticipation of timing things perfectly, the agonizing two week wait and the knife in my heart when I knew I wasn’t pregnant…again and again and again and again.

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My Fertility Journey

After a long time of trying to get pregnant I was feeling pretty frustrated and hopeless. I was already seeing a fertility specialist at Genesis and doing what I thought was everything I could to better improve my chances.

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Immediate trust in his ability as a healer

“His confident yet gentle healing technique caused me to immediately trust his ability as a healer.”

I have been a patient of Spence Pentland for approximately 3 months. I have been receiving treatment for pain and numbness in my arms.

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PCOS: hypothalamic amenorrhea

I write you hereby a short description of “our story”. I imagine every couple’s story will be different, but still, the doubts and disappointments must be there for everyone, and I would be most glad to encourage those who have lost faith.

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Thought I would give accupuncture a try

I found it to be relaxing and calmed me down a little. I was super nervous as not knowing what the outcome is going to be in a few weeks time especially since I have had treatment done many times and have been unsuccessful so thought I would give accupuncture a try as it is supposed to help with blood flow and all.

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My successful ‘pregnancy achievement’

I would like to thank Spence for his stellar knowledge and support in my successful ‘pregnancy achievement’. I am now 37 and 25 weeks happily pregnant with my first child. My partner and I had been trying to conceive for 5 months,

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I just want to thank you for your support and acting as my “sounding board” and putting up with my sniffles as I reflect on my tough journey.

You’re the best!


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Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!