Male Factor Infertility

Functional Medical Testing

At Yinstill we offer a variety of testing to suit the needs of each patient. Any combination of the tests listed below may be recommended to those struggling with reproductive and/or health challenges. Since we know fertility optimization is dependent on the cultivation of whole health, precision medical practices to individualize your treatment plan is necessary, and testing is an important step.


Both male and female hormone status may help discover underlying issues that could be causing reproductive challenges.

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The 6 Causes of Infertility

The following is an important overview of the true causes of disease such as infertility and related conditions [Endometriosis, PCOS, male factor infertility, etc]. This simple overview makes it easy to understand where we need to put more focus so that we can both optimize our reproductive health, and stay healthy for the long run!

The six causes of infertility and any other dis-ease in the body according to Chinese Medicine are;


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New Research: Omega 3 fatty acids for egg quality…

New research (the first of its kind) recently published in Fertility & Sterility has shown that the Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in the cell membranes of human eggs (oocytes) could be correlated to egg quality.  This makes perfect sense as the same is true and well-accepted science with sperm quality. Time to take your (quality) fish oils!

The membranes that protect and hold together our cells, mitochondria, and DNA are primarily made up of PUFA.

New Research: Omega 3 fatty acids for egg quality… Read More »

Do we really need to take supplements?

I’m healthy, I eat well, prioritize sleep, exercise regularly, manage stress, get plenty of fresh air, and drink lots of quality filtered water – why would I need to take supplements?

If this is you, fantastic! You are really laying the foundation for good health. You may also already be taking some supplements such as vitamin D, omega oils, and a multivitamin – lean forward, raise your hand above your head,

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Oxidative stress has a well-established role in the cause of explained and unexplained infertility. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and protective antioxidants, and this influences the reproductive health of men and women. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), in excess, can cause disruption to normal cellular function and can damage cells (in particular mitochondria, & DNA of the sperm and egg) and tissues.

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are increased by the consumption of sugars and oxidized vegetable oils,


in-vitro fertilization ivf yinstill reproductive health

IV Micronutrient Therapy and Fertility

Intravenous (IV) micronutrient therapy is a customized vitamin treatment that infuses nutrients directly into the bloodstream and is the most effective way to deliver vitamins and minerals to the cells and tissues of your body. When compared to oral supplementation (where absorption is maybe 30-40%), IV nutrient absorption is 100% because you bypass the digestive tract and do not need to be concerned with any digestion or absorption issues. Benefits include improvements in energy, mood,

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pelvic pain yinstill reproductive wellness

GLUTATHIONE – The Primary Protector

Glutathione has many important functions in our body, and we will briefly discuss all of these here, but most importantly, it is the king of antioxidants! Unfortunately, our body has to manufacture Glutathione from other vitamins and minerals, so if we are not taking good care of ourselves glutathione levels can be deficient, and with this comes consequences.


Role as an Antioxidant

If you can go back to high school biology you may remember that in order for a cell to create energy the mitochondria must produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

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Being Fertile Tip #1: boosting testosterone will keep you alive longer

Interesting meta-analysis I came across today showed that men that increase their testosterone levels not only helps them improve their sperm production, but also helps them lose weight, increase insulin sensitivity (to reduce diabetes risk), and reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides (lowering risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality).

So dive in, do your research, figure out what you can do to increase your testosterone, and things you should stop doing that may be reducing your testosterone.

Being Fertile Tip #1: boosting testosterone will keep you alive longer Read More »

Erectile Dysfunction Yinstill Reproductive Health

Do Men Go Through Menopause?

Yes, they do!  Male menopause also known as andropause is similar to female menopause, however there are some distinctions.  For males, it is a more gradual hormonal shift (it can span 20 years) and not all males experience it. The cause of andropause is a decline in the hormone testosterone and a possible shift to estrogen by an enzyme called aromatase.  Testosterone starts to increase during the adolescent years and it is responsible for the puberty changes that a male goes through such as increased muscle mass,

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Erectile Dysfunction Yinstill Reproductive Health

What You Need to Know About Male Infertility

As our cultural and medical understanding of sperm health and male fertility grows, our sperm quality and quantity declines. A study published last year (…) found a hefty decline in sperm counts between 1973 and 2011, a 50-60% drop in this time; dramatic to say the least. Most disturbing is there are only theories and notions as to what is the actual cause of this steep decline. Sperm production is a complicated biochemical process and to assess the variables that are in play in it’s healthy production is difficult. Usually studies will look at one or two chemicals or variables to see how they affect sperm health. These types of studies will often show concrete correlations between phthalate exposure and sperm health (, or stress levels and lower testosterone ( However, to have a full picture of the situation is extremely difficult, and all we can do now is investigate trends and specific factors that may be contributing.

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Yinstill Fertility Diet & Workbook

Learn how to optimize your fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine dietary principles. Includes lots of great fertility-boosting recipes!