Miscarriage & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Miscarriage yinstill reproductive wellness

3 Causes of Miscarriage That Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About

There’s been a lot more buzz in the news this past year on the topic of miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss with more and more celebrities like Mark Zuckerberg opening up about their own struggles and creating the space for others to have that dialogue. I think this is great because this is something that women too often suffer through alone. I have seen how devastating it can be for women who want nothing more than to hold their own child in their arms to have to go through recurrent pregnancy loss.

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3 Causes of Miscarriage That Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About Read More »

My testimony for such great treatment and care

Shortly after getting married in 2013, I had a miscarriage. I was 35 at the time and my husband and I were devastated — I became obsessed with motherhood. “My whole focus turned to getting pregnant. And every month that it didn’t happen, my obsession got worse.” After losing another baby at around 10 weeks, I was desperate. A trip to a fertility clinic with my husband, revealed that I had high levels of follicle-stimulating hormones and lower levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormones.

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Forever grateful for the chance encounter that day

A chance conversation between my wife and a new mother first brought us to Dr. Pentland. The new mom had a beautiful baby with her, but told us she’d sadly lost her first when five months pregnant. Thereafter, she began seeing Dr. Pentland; the result was sleeping in her arms. At the time, my wife and I were recovering from the shock of our own miscarriage and trying to get pregnant again. We had never considered acupuncture before,

Forever grateful for the chance encounter that day Read More »

Ectopic Pregnancy – My Story

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Written by Chantal Pentland

It was my third time around, and I couldn't believe how blessed I was to be carrying another beautiful baby. We have been very fortunate in being able to get pregnant easily, I attest this to supplements, Chinese herbs, acupuncture and a healthy lifestyle. However this time we were boggled as there was not much action that month,

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After my third pregnancy loss…

“After my third pregnancy loss I wondered if I would ever be able to have a baby. With the latest of the losses being in the second trimester I was heart broken and scared for what the future may hold. I had never thought that the path to becoming a mother would be so difficult and heart breaking. I started acupuncture in the months that followed and met Spence at that time. Being at acupuncture and working with Spence brought me a sense of calmness and offered an additional support as I continued on the journey to parenthood.

After my third pregnancy loss… Read More »

Healthy Baby Boy!

Before visiting Spence, I felt so alone, frustrated, disappointed and sad every month when my cycle would start yet again. Almost all my friends, family and close co-workers were pregnant / having babies. I was surrounded by all these lucky people who didn’t have any problems conceiving so it was hard to find someone to talk to who really understood the ups and downs of what I was going through. I appreciated friends listening to me,

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After suffering 3 miscarriages…

I came to see Dr. Pentland at the recommendation of a friend, after suffering 3 miscarriages. I was at the lowest point in my life and feeling very depressed and pessimistic about the future. At the very first meeting, Dr. Pentland made me feel at ease and gave me hope. He listened to me with complete attention as I cried and told him my history. Dr. Pentland was always calm, soothing and optimistic.

I had never had any acupuncture done prior to seeing Dr.

After suffering 3 miscarriages… Read More »

I wanted to prevent another miscarriage

I came to Erin as I had experience with miscarriage in the past, and wanted to do everything I could to keep this pregnancy. From herbal remedies to traditional acupuncture treatments, Erin helped calm my worries and educate me on numerous practices. The biggest difference I found from Western medicine was that Erin had time to hear my concerns, and created a treatment plan just for me. She listened and worked with me to overcome every symptom I was experiencing as my pregnancy progressed.

I wanted to prevent another miscarriage Read More »

Dr. Flynn helped us on our journey to parenthood

I have been a patient of Dr. Erin Flynn’s for over four years. A friend recommended acupuncture as I have PCOS and was having a hard time getting pregnant, and I thought “why not”? A quick Google search led me to a clinic specializing in fertility and my instant love of acupuncture was born.

I started slowly at first with just one session every week or two. I tried to follow the diet and lifestyle recommendations,

Dr. Flynn helped us on our journey to parenthood Read More »

Miscarriage yinstill reproductive wellness

Pregnancy Loss. Unburden Your Heart.

Trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage is an emotional journey. If a woman has suffered several miscarriages, the journey has taken a toll on both her body and her spirit. Often, questions of why and how are being asked – is it because of my egg quality? is there a genetic incompatibility? is there something wrong with my uterus? what about immunological or blood clotting factors? endocrine or thyroid reasons? am I really “unexplainable”?

Pregnancy Loss. Unburden Your Heart. Read More »

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