Dr. Spence Pentland

PCOS & infertility yinstill reproductive wellness

Acupuncture Alters Sugar Metabolism & Gene Expression in PCOS

Recent research published in the journal NATURE concluded that low-frequency electroacupuncture with muscle contractions remodels epigenetic and transcriptional changes that elicit metabolic improvement[1]. In other words, after ONE electro-acupuncture treatment the authors reported a increase in whole body glucose (sugar) uptake, changes in the expression of over 2300 genes and changes in DNA methylation in over 7000 individual genes in the adipose (fat) tissue of women with PCOS.

So if ONE acupuncture treatment can manifest these kinds of changes in the sugar metabolism and fat tissue of women with PCOS,

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Sleep helps you lose weight

Sleep is important for many other things, including reducing your risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s, proper digestion, regulating inflammation, memory, slowing telomere shortening, and the list goes on.

There are 2 stages of sleep; 1. non-REM (which has 1, 2, and slow-wave stages) and 2. REM. Just to keep it simple, they are all important for different reasons.

Over 50% of our gene regulation is governed by our circadian rhythm, i.e.

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Being Fertile Tip #1: boosting testosterone will keep you alive longer

Interesting meta-analysis I came across today showed that men that increase their testosterone levels not only helps them improve their sperm production, but also helps them lose weight, increase insulin sensitivity (to reduce diabetes risk), and reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides (lowering risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality).

So dive in, do your research, figure out what you can do to increase your testosterone, and things you should stop doing that may be reducing your testosterone.

Being Fertile Tip #1: boosting testosterone will keep you alive longer Read More »

pregnancy yinstill reproductive wellness

Sometimes you just gotta say F#%K IT…

If you haven’t got there quite yet, then I am sure you have at least thought about it, or see the possibility out there on the horizon. ‘Screw it, I am sick of trying‘. On some level it feels freeing to say and feel this way I am sure, it may even be healing, maybe. Just the thought of being done with the struggle of infertility may seem euphoric.  But alas, getting to this place doesn’t come so easily.

Sometimes you just gotta say F#%K IT… Read More »

Interview with Author of ‘Conquering Infertility’ -Alice Domar, Mind Body Fertility Expert

Interview with Author of ‘Conquering Infertility’ -Alice Domar, Mind Body Fertility Expert

(47:04) Alice is clearly the leading expert when it comes to the mind-body-fertility connection. She presents resent research on the topic and discusses what she has seen and learned since the mid 1980’s when she started her journey working with infertility and how the mind-body influences this condition.  The fertility APPS she has created (free) for both men and women are amazing and I encourage you to check them out after listening to this interview.
Spence Pentland

Interview with Author of ‘Conquering Infertility’ -Alice Domar, Mind Body Fertility Expert Read More »

Miscarriage yinstill reproductive wellness

Sperm and Miscarriage

Many studies show a link between poor sperm quality and miscarriage, therefore this possibility cannot be overlooked when recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is affecting a couple. The good thing is, with natural medicine, there is much that can be done to help.

The following is a simple Google Scholar search on ‘sperm+miscarriage’. This is simply to highlight the large body of research and findings that are attempting to find the connections between the two.

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pelvic pain yinstill reproductive wellness

Are You Cooking Your Balls?

Don’t Cook Your Balls, yup, you heard right! This is an amazing website which is a self-proclaimed ‘A Light-Hearted Guide to Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health’.
Are You Cooking Your Balls? Complete the 10 minute questionnaire NOW, it will provide personalized recommendations for how to optimize your fertility.
Are You Cooking Your Balls?

The topic of male factor infertility, and basically anything related to male sexual or reproductive health needs to be approached with a healthy pinch of humour,

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Literally, Tiny Engines to Help Sperm Swim!

Ok, yes this is really happening – tiny motors that attach to sperm to help improve how well they swim (motility), and experts are saying that this might soon become a feasible treatment for male factor infertility.

For the millions of American couples that struggle each year to conceive a child, most procedures, such as in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination, have a relatively low success rate. Male fertility issues contribute to about half of the cases of infertility.

Literally, Tiny Engines to Help Sperm Swim! Read More »

Beet Dip

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Guest post by Krista A. Parr, R.H.N.

If the thought of dipping carrot sticks into a bowl of bright pink paste seems peculiar, I urge you to give beets a chance and try this dip! It is smooth, creamy, and surprisingly not overly ‘beety’ in the taste department. Of course, it is also ridiculously nutritious, bursting with too many health benefits to name in this blog post.

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Blueberry-Mint Smoothie

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Guest Post by Krista A. Parr, R.H.N.

Fruit smoothies with greens are perfect for light summer snacks; they make use of all the garden-fresh ingredients available, are cooling to the body, and provide extra hydration. Adding lettuce greens to your fruit smoothies is a great way of including more green foods in your diet, and the fruit usually masks the taste of the greens so you won’t feel like you’re drinking a salad.

Blueberry-Mint Smoothie Read More »

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